PASEO ARTÍSTICO: History Matters in the Mission

Acción Latina Presents:


Free Community Art Stroll

“History Matters in the Mission\”

Outdoors & Indoor

Saturday October 23, 2021


Calle 24 Latino Cultural District

Co-Presented by SFMOMA 

Must wear masks 

Mascarias requeridas 

Full Event Program:


The premiere of History Matters in The Mission: A New Docutheater Performance by Paul S. Flores 

with Vanessa Sanchez, Pedro Gomez, Jonathan Youtt, Josue Rojas, Shamsher Virk, Jessica Recinos, Edna Mira Raia, Diana Aburto and more.

Performances are OUTDOOR, except where noted inside

Program travels up 24th Street from York to Mission Street. 

*Featured Murals will be activated featuring poetry performances  by SFMOMA

**Augmented Reality experience through your smartphone


Acción Latina, SFMOMA, Precita Eyes, Brava Theater, Community Music Center, Dance Mission, Adobe Books, and Mission Cultural Center. 

History Matters in the Mission is supported by the San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Artist Commission, the Rainin Foundation New Projects Fund, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 1, San Francisco, CA —The Mission District’s FREE bimonthly community art stroll PASEO ARTISTICO returns with an outdoor and indoor program featuring the World Premiere of “History Matters in the Mission” a new docutheater performance by writer/performer Paul S. Flores. This month also features a partnership with SFMOMA’s “Mission Murals Project” which will highlight specific murals on 24th Street and activate them with talks by the muralists and performances by guest poets.

History Matters in the Mission (HMM) documents important cultural, artistic and political events in the Mission District based on the archival material from 50 years of El Tecolote Bilingual Newspaper, and interviews with local legendary artists and activists including Yolanda Lopez, Michael Ríos, Juan Gonzales, Joan Holden and Carlos Barón. Lead artist and director Paul S. Flores interviewed each local luminary to craft performances as both interpretations and reenactments of important events in The Mission from the 1970’s that still resonate today. Flores collaborated with choreographer Vanessa Sanchez, who also plays Yolanda Lopez, and musician Pedro Gomez, costume designer Jessica Recinos, puppeteer Jonathan Youtt, actress Edna Mira Raia, and Augmented Reality designer Shamsher Virk, to recreate the sounds and looks of the five Mission luminaries whose stories will be performed at different sites along 24th Street. Each site will host a 5-10 minutes performance highlighting one of the local legends. Augmented Reality (AR) featuring videos, artwork and archival photos from El Tecolote will be available for viewing through your smartphone at select locations along the Paseo route. 

“The Mission really became a Latino neighborhood in the late 1960’s. It was around then these legendary local artists I interviewed found themselves in the Mission in 1968 during the Strike for Ethnic Studies at SF State, and the Black Panthers movement,” says director Paul S. Flores, who also wrote the street theater project. “From 1970-1977 the Mission exploded with Latino culture including the mural movement, Los Siete de La Raza, the founding of Galeria de La Raza, El Tecolote Newspaper, establishment of Carnaval and Dia de Los Muertos events. So much of what people recognize about the Mission District of San Francisco, including our burritos and Santana’s Latin rock music really takes off in 1970. But just as the neighborhood was gaining a reputation as a Latino community, BART constructed two stations in the heart of the neighborhood in 1973 on Mission and 24th Street, and 16th Street. Some locals saw the City’s rapid transportation plan as the blueprint for what would become tech based gentrification. Others saw it as an opportunity to educate new visitors about Latino culture in the Mission.”

History Matters in the Mission is a mini historic tour down 24th street presented in the form of a street theater procession with live music on a flatbed truck, dancing in the street, giant puppets, and elements of radical street theater originally introduced by the SF Mime Troupe in the 1960’s, with elements of today’s technology such as networked mobile devices and AR. The Chicana feminist artist Yolanda Lopez, who recently passed away in September, was very inspirational in the project conception during conversations with Paseo Artistico coordinator Paul S. Flores in the Fall of 2019 at Accion Latina. The show is dedicated to her in honor of her artistic and local community contributions. Vero Majano, and the Community Music Center’s Mission District Young Musicians Program also feature. 

History Matters in the Mission SCHEDULE  12PM-6PM

12PM-Precita Eyes History of Balmy Alley Mural Tour

1PM- Brava Theater (2781 24th Street) Dedicated to Joan Holden (outside), Feat. Edna Mira Raia

History Matters in the Mission Band: Pedro Gomez, Jason Moen, Chris Carter, Baba Daru 

Choreographer Vanessa Sanchez. Dancers: Jessica Recinos and Diana Aburto Ibarra

Special guest performer (inside Brava cabaret): Vero Majano \”Remember Los Siete\”

2PM Acción Latina (2958 24th Street) Dedicated to Juan Gonzales Feat. 

Paul S. Flores, with Vanessa Sanchez 

AR by Shamsher Virk

3PM Harrison & 24th Street (continues to Balmy Alley) Dedicated to Yolanda Lopez

featuring Vanessa Sanchez

Jessica Recinos and Diana Aburto Ibarra, Batuci and band

Giant Puppet by Jonathan Youtt

AR by Shamsher Virk

3:30PM Adobe Books (3130 24th Street) Feat. Community Music Center Mission District Young Musicians Program

with special guests including Miguel Govea Y Familia.

4PM House of Brakes (3195 24th Street) Dedicated to Carlos Barón

featuring Paul S. Flores, with Vanessa Sanchez, Jessica Recinos and Diana Aburto Ibarra


4:30PM Dance Mission (3316 24th Street)  featuring Dance Brigade (inside)

The Bay Area’s original feminist, political dance theater company directed by Krissy Keefer

5PM 24th Street BART Station (East Side) Dedicated to Michael Ríos Feat. Paul S. Flores

Pedro Gomez, Jason Moen, Chris Carter, Baba Daru

Vanessa Sanchez, Jessica Recinos and Diana Aburto Ibarra

Cranky painting and moving illustrations by Josue Rojas

AR by Shamsher Virk

5:30PM Mission Cultural Center (2868 Mission Street) Featuring Mission Grafica exposition
