Thank you all for a great 2018

Dear friends,

My second year as executive director of Acción Latina has been transformational, both for myself and the organization. In 2018 we welcomed new members to our family and said goodbye to old friends as they moved on to new endeavors. We continued make a positive impact in our community by publishing the city’s best and oldest bilingual community newspaper, running a gallery focused on Latino art and artists and by collaborating with other community organizations to activate and sustain a thriving Latino Cultural Corridor. 

As we move forward into the new year, we hope you will stand with us. Your tax-deductible donations help us to continue our important work.


We aren\’t just interested in soliciting your money though. We want to involve you in our work. We are a grass-roots, community organization which means we can’t do it without the help of our community. We are always looking for interns and volunteers, to write and translate for the newspaper, to staff our events and to assist with in our gallery and our other cultural arts programing.

Having said that, I would like to offer a warm thank you to all who volunteered their time in 2018 to help us carry out our mission to promote cultural arts, community media, and civic engagement as a way of building healthy and empowered Latino communities.

2018 volunteers presente: 

Allison Martinez *Coral Figueroa *Imelda Carrasco  *Monique Mosqueda *Valeria Olguin *Janeth Membrero *Alondra Correa Almanza *Arturo Gomez *Jessica Ramirez *Claudia Cortez *Dulce Salgado de Palmisano *Valentina Mantilla *Cristina Vergara *Cecilia Quintana *Sage Mace *Mayra Pedroza *Carlos Barón *Pamela Harris  *Robert Jalon *Jessika Karlsson *Madeleine Bair *Adriana Camarena *Eduardo da Silva *Vitta Oliveri *Luisa Restrepo *Mabel Jiménez *Chelis Lopez *Michael Middleton *Kelly Rodriguez Murillo *Gabriela Alemán *Alejandro Galicia Díaz  *Aaron Levy-Wolins *Arturo Mendez *Jasmine Diarte *Raven Sanchez *Hilda Ayala *Arturo Ayala *Katie Beas *Jose Luis Caicedo *Adriana Morga *Jacqueline López *Karlos Rene Ayala *Natasha Dangond *Constanza Hevia *Kyler Knox *René Alvarez  *Desiree Rios *Destiny Arroyo *Beth LaBerge *Adelyna Tirado *Jason Brown *John Carson *Russell Morse *J. Scott Weaver *Jocelyn Carranza *Emma Marie Chiang *Rodrigo Jardón Galeana *Emmely Benitez *Nestor Castillo *Kirk Stevenson *Ekevara Kitpowsong *Estivaly Moreno *Nestor Garcia *Yuri Ugarte *Kathryn Wren *Drago Renteria *Mark Jason Quines *Lara Kaur *Dane Pollock *Izzy Alvarez *George Eduardo Barahona *Julian Espinoza *Amanda Peterson *Natalie Alemán *Amarah Hernandez *Brianna Kalajian *Daniel Valencia *Cynthia Blanco *Alexandria Carabajal *Teresa Carrillo *Ama Cortes *Stephanie Diaz-Cornejo *Ian Firstenberg *Sadie Gribbon *Gabby Grijalva *Cris Jimenez *Miguel Lozano *Estaphany Monge *Pamela Alejandra Padilla *Henry Salazar *Emmanuel Tapia *Italo Tapia *Gustavo Reyes *Maria Garcia-Hernandez *Leslie Hicks  *George Khoury *Ella Ramrayka Rogers *Max Paik *Calindra Revier *Fernando A. Torres *Sirron Norris *Chris Carlsson *Tongo Eisen-Martin *LisaRuth Elliott *Sarah Lapidus *Lito Sandoval *Gino Abrajano *DeLara Armijo *Maria Burboa *Emmely Benitez *Lupe Cisneros *Francisca Icaza *Gardenia Zuniga-Haro *Jessica Sabogal *Robin Evans *Judy Goddess *Remigio Madrigal *Gabrielle Bojorquez *Jessica Delatorre *Eva Martinez *Marissa Perry

¡Adelante! ¡Y Gracias!

Josué Rojas
Executive Director