Dear Friends,
2017 has been a tumultuous ride, a year full of challenge and growth. And yet despite all of it, the year has been productive beyond our highest hopes. We have worked hard to be an inspiration to our community, and in turn been deeply inspired––the work is what happened in between.
And so as we prepare to enter 2018, We ask that you renew your support for Acción Latina and celebrate with us all that has been accomplished in 2017:
El Tecolote
El Tecolote’s dedicated staff and volunteers produced 25 issues of original content bilingually, and distributed 10,000 free copies of each edition to the Latino communities across the Bay Area. The results earned numerous accolades, including recognition by New America Media and SF Press Club, and by Univision. Teco reporters were there to document this event filled year from the inauguration and the Women’s March to DACA and the struggle to preserve Latino culture in the city.
Juan R. Fuentes Gallery
Nearing the end of its second year of operation, our gallery continues to grow and expand toward its intended vision as a community space, which exhibits the work of established and emerging Latino artists as well as that of non-Latino artists whose work depicts the nuances of Latino life locally, nationally and internationally. In 2017 56 artists exhibited art in our space and more than 4,000 visitors attended our exhibition receptions and events.
Cultural Arts Programing
We hosted more than 45 cultural arts events and activities in 2017—from the release party for El Tecolote’s long-awaited poetry anthology Poetry in Flight/ Poesía en Vuelo, to a Roque Dalton birthday celebration, to free printmaking and live concerts as a MAPP (Mission Arts & Performance Project) participant, as well as spearheading a revamped rebranded and relaunched the Paseo Artístico, a bi-monthly art stroll in collaboration with various arts organizations within the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. Oh, and we rocked out at the 36th Annual Encuentro del Canto Popular with a drum-centered line-up including to Soul y Agua, Taller Bombalélé and cumbia-dynamos and this year’s headliners La Misa Negra.
A final word
We feel very fortunate to be able to serve our community as we do, it isn’t easy to maintain a nonprofit in San Francisco. To continue to be of maximum effect, we need your help. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation so that we can continue to help keep Latino culture alive in the Mission District.