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Volunteer Opportunities

For over 50 years, our dedicated volunteers have become the heart and soul of our programs. Acción Latina is always accepting applications for those individuals interested in working to enhance our mission of promoting cultural arts, community media and civic engagement as a way of building healthy and empowered Latino communities. With your generous time and efforts, we can continue to be of service and a safe space for our community.

If you’re interested in volunteering with Acción Latina, please fill out our volunteer form (or scroll to the bottom of this page).  You can also email if you have any questions.  Below are some examples of volunteer opportunities currently available through our various programs:

Internship Opportunities

Applicants of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply to our current available internships. All positions are unpaid and available for educational credit. Time commitment for all positions range 5-10 hours per week, but some flexibility is available to those who may require it. View our application for internships and volunteering  here and apply by sending your resume to

In our Cultural Arts Programming:

As an organization located in the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, Accion Latina is in the center of a world-class neighborhood with the largest concentration of murals, art, and culture. Every other second Saturday of the month we produce and participate in the Paseo Artistico Art Stroll series that brings free arts programming to the neighborhood.  We also annually participate in an array of literary, visual and performing arts events including MAPP, Litquake, Flor y Canto, CARNAVAL, and many more. Since 1982 we’ve also produced an annual musical concert, the Encuentro Del Canto Popular, to celebrate Latin American music with a social justice message.

In our Juan R. Fuentes Gallery:

Those volunteers interested in the arts can assist in our beautiful art gallery by working with our staff on event planning, helping to install and de-install exhibitions, assisting with opening receptions, preparing materials associated with the exhibitions, documenting the process of exhibitions through photography and videography, etc.

In our Community Media Program:

Every two weeks we produce an issue of El Tecolote, the bilingual newspaper we’ve been publishing since 1970, which is created primarily by volunteers. We always need writers, photographers, translators, graphic designers, social media and proofreaders.

In our Historical Archives:

For individuals interested in San Francisco or Mission District history and archival materials, we have numerous projects that involve scanning photos and other ephemera, conducting research, cataloging materials, and preparing for presentations that showcase materials from our archives. Each Spring we hold a two-day exhibit at the Old Mint San Francisco History Days and showcase years worth of Latino archives to over 10,000 unique visitors.

In our Multimedia Projects:

Volunteers interested in multimedia arts such as photography, videography, audio engineering, graphics and web design, social media, and more can assist in all areas of the organization on creative projects.

In our Marketing and Promotional Efforts:

Volunteers interested in assisting with our promotional and marketing campaigns are welcome to help create and distribute press releases for gallery exhibitions and cultural arts events, developing and maintain contact with arts communities within the Bay Area, learn to analyze audience reach of social media platforms including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and our official websites, maintain an up-to-date subscriber’s email contact list, and update the social media platforms as needed.

Volunteer Form