AmericArte Exhibition


“Faces, Spaces, and Genres: A Web of Intersections” is a group exhibition by five artists—Camille Mai, Alejandro Meza, Victoria Montero, Alejandro Palacios and Carlos Pillado—who have come together under the name and the theme AmericArte. This exhibition will feature work across a range of mediums from print photographs and illustrations to ceramic sculptures and politically influenced installations.

Excerpt from the curator\’s statement:

Different birthplaces, different paths, different media—only in the web of intersections that is San Francisco could such a radically diverse group of artists coalesce. Join a ceramic sculptor from Mexico City, a documentary photographer duo from Buenos Aires, a surrealist illustrator from Paris, an Oakland based interactive media designer, and an oil painter from LA in an exploration of one\’s individual and social identities.

From action to introspection. From the abstract to the literal. From the political to the personal. From volatile moments to common history. Such dualities create points of tension that call out to us. Through contrasting points of reference we strive to nourish rather than cannibalize our collective culture.

Presenting bodies of work in honor of the beautifully divergent, oft threatened, yet doggedly perseverant culture of the city that brought us together.

For more about the exhibition, read the Q&A with co-curators Alejandro Meza and Camille Mai published by El Tecolote, and join the Facebook event page.